Why should GDPR’s younger sister concern you as a citizen?

Eleftherios Chelioudakis informs us on Directive 2016/680, GDPR's younger sister, which regulates the processing of…

Freedom of online expression needs you yet again!

Learn how you can act so that the Internet does not change form

The report of Homo Digitalis in the UN website

The report of Homo Digitalis on the right to privacy in the digital age has been published in the website of the UN…

Proposals to raise awareness through art and games in August

Homo Digitalis suggests you several books, movies, video games and comics for August, which will raise your awareness…

Connecting or cutting the chain?

The European Union has to face its choices. By Stefanos Vitoratos

Reddit was hacked

According to the official press release by the company, published yesterday (01.08.2018), some hackers got access to…

Evidence and Cloud computing

The Council of Europe discusses the challenges arising from a new Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime.…

It is raining technological advancements

Artificial Intelligence is constantly evolving. What can we do to keep it under our control? By Konstantinos Kakavoulis

From imagination to reality and back to imagination

What is Artificial Intelligence? Where does it help us? When will it be equated to humans? By Nikos Giannaros

Statewatch announces the establishment of a new observatory

When the interoperability of databases is the first sign for a future “Big Brother” society

Three important studies examine the threats to free, impartial and transparent elections

The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) published today three new studies regarding personal data analysis for…

EU: Freedom of online expression was saved!

The European Parliament rejected the Proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market

FRA published today the summary of his second report on surveillance by the intelligence services in Greek

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published its second report on the protection of fundamental…

Freedom of online expression and freedom of information need you!

You use the Internet on a daily basis to communicate, to get informed and have fun. But Internet as you know it might…

Homo Digitalis sends an e-mail to the Greek members of the European Parliament

Homo Digitalis sends an e-mail to the Greek MEPs regarding the Proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital…

EU: Censorship on the internet? The first step is done

The European Union made the first step for the adoption of the directive that limits the freedom of expression on the…

Homo Digitalis signs the open letter on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Homo Digitalis signs the open letter to the European Commission on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Letter by Homo Digitalis to the Greek Parliament: Reinforcement of the Independent Authorities

On 30 May 2018, Homo Digitalis submitted a letter to the Greek Parliament regarding the reinforcement of the Personal…

Homo Digitalis signs the Toronto Declaration: Protection of the rights to equality and non-discrimination in machine learning systems

In May 2018, Homo Digitalis signed the Toronto Declaration on the protection of the rights to equality and…

Letter by Homo Digitalis to the Greek Parliament: Amendment to the draft law implementing the GDPR

Letter by Homo Digitalis to the Greek Parliament, suggesting an amendment to the draft law on Personal Data Protection,…