100+ organizations in a joint statement for COVID-19
On April 2, more than 100 civil society organizations, including Homo Digitalis, signed a joint statement for privacy issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The organizations include among others Access Now, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Privacy International, European Digital Rights (EDRi) and Homo Digitalis.
The statement is available here.
Homo Digitalis signs the ΕΑΙD Declaration
On 29 March, Homo Digitalis signed the European Academy for Freedom of Information and Data Protection (ΕΑΙD) Declaration on personal data protection and freedom of information during the COVD-19 pandemic.
The letter calls all of us to stay vigilant so that the encounter of COVID-19 measures does not violate human rights. The civil rights and liberties are inherent to modern democracies and should be protected even under the serious pandemic we are facing.
Many prominent scientists and human rights advocates sign the declaration.
The declaration is available here.
Joint Letter to the Council of the EU on TERREG
On March 27, European Digital Rights (EDRi) and many more civil society organizations, including Homo Digitalis, sent a joint letter to the Council of the EU regarding the suggested EU Terrorist Content Regulation (TERREG).
In the letter, we note our grave concerns regarding the suggested text, as well as privacy, freedom of expression and freedom of information concerns.
You may read the letter in the EDRi website or here.
Request for the Greek DPA's opinion on the Greek Police Agreement on Smart Policing
Today, 19.03.2020, Homo Digitalis filed a request to the President of the Greek DPA for the issue of an opinion regarding the agreement for the provision of smart policing systems between the Greek Police and INTRACOM TELECOM
This agreement provides for the processing of citizens’ biometric data (fingerprints and photos) through portable devices, among others.
It is essential that the Greek DPA provides its opinion on the issue, taking into account the important privacy challenges for all data subjects in Greece.
The full text of our request in Greek is available here.
Homomorphic Encryption: What is and Known Applications
Written by Anastasios Arampatzis
Every day, organizations handle a lot of sensitive information, such as personal identifiable information (PII) and financial data, that needs to be encrypted both when it is stored (data at rest) and when it is being transmitted (data in transit). Although modern encryption algorithms are virtually unbreakable, at least until the coming of quantum computing, because they require too much processing power too break them that makes the whole process too costly and time-consuming to be feasible, it is also impossible to process the data without first decrypting it. And decrypting data, makes it vulnerable to hackers.
The problem with encrypting data is that sooner or later, you have to decrypt it. You can keep your cloud files cryptographically scrambled using a secret key, but as soon as you want to actually do something with those files, anything from editing a word document or querying a database of financial data, you have to unlock the data and leave it vulnerable. Homomorphic encryption, an advancement in the science of cryptography, could change that.
What is Homomorphic Encryption?
The purpose of homomorphic encryption is to allow computation on encrypted data. Thus data can remain confidential while it is processed, enabling useful tasks to be accomplished with data residing in untrusted environments. In a world of distributed computation and heterogeneous networking this is a hugely valuable capability.
A homomorphic cryptosystem is like other forms of public encryption in that it uses a public key to encrypt data and allows only the individual with the matching private key to access its unencrypted data. However, what sets it apart from other forms of encryption is that it uses an algebraic system to allow you or others to perform a variety of computations (or operations) on the encrypted data.
In mathematics, homomorphic describes the transformation of one data set into another while preserving relationships between elements in both sets. The term is derived from the Greek words for “same structure.” Because the data in a homomorphic encryption scheme retains the same structure, identical mathematical operations, whether they are performed on encrypted or decrypted data, will result in equivalent results.
Finding a general method for computing on encrypted datahad been a goal in cryptography since it was proposed in 1978 by Rivest, Adleman and Dertouzos. Interest in this topic is due to its numerous applications in the real world. The development of fully homomorphic encryption is a revolutionary advance, greatly extending the scope of the computations which can be applied to process encrypted data homomorphically. Since Craig Gentry published his idea in 2009, there has been huge interest in the area, with regard to improving the schemes, implementing them and applying them.
Types of Homomorphic Encryption
There are three types of homomorphic encryption. The primary difference between them is related to the types and frequency of mathematical operations that can be performed on the ciphertext. The three types of homomorphic encryption are:
- Partially Homomorphic Encryption
- Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption
- Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Partially homomorphic encryption (PHE) allows only select mathematical functions to be performed on encrypted values. This means that only one operation, either addition or multiplication, can be performed an unlimited number of times on the ciphertext. Partially homomorphic encryption with multiplicative operations is the foundation for RSA encryption, which is commonly used in establishing secure connections through SSL/TLS.
A somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) scheme is one that supports select operation (either addition or multiplication) up to a certain complexity, but these operations can only be performed a set number of times.
Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), while still in the development stage, has a lot of potential for making functionality consistent with privacy by helping to keep information secure and accessible at the same time. It was developed from the somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme, FHE is capable of using both addition and multiplication, any number of times and makes secure multi-party computation more efficient. Unlike other forms of homomorphic encryption, it can handle arbitrary computations on your ciphertexts.
The goal behind fully homomorphic encryption is to allow anyone to use encrypted data to perform useful operations without access to the encryption key. In particular, this concept has applications for improving cloud computing security. If you want to store encrypted, sensitive data in the cloud but don’t want to run the risk of a hacker breaking in your cloud account, it provides you with a way to pull, search, and manipulate your data without having to allow the cloud provider access to your data.
Applications of Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Craig Gentry mentioned in his graduation thesis that “Fully homomorphic encryption has numerous applications. For example, it enables private queries to a search engine – the user submits an encrypted query and the search engine computes a succinct encrypted answer without ever looking at the query in the clear. It also enables searching on encrypted data – a user stores encrypted files on a remote file server and can later have the server retrieve only files that (when decrypted) satisfy some boolean constraint, even though the server cannot decrypt the files on its own. More broadly, fully homomorphic encryption improves the efficiency of secure multi party computation.”
Researchers have already identified several practical applications of FHE, some of which are discussed herein:
- Securing Data Stored in the Cloud. Using homomorphic encryption, you can secure the data that you store in the cloud while also retaining the ability to calculate and search ciphered information that you can later decrypt without compromising the integrity of the data as a whole.
- Enabling Data Analytics in Regulated Industries. Homomorphic encryption allows data to be encrypted and outsourced to commercial cloud environments for research and data-sharing purposes while protecting user or patient data privacy. It can be used for businesses and organizations across a variety of industries including financial services, retail, information technology, and healthcare to allow people to use data without seeing its unencrypted values. Examples include predictive analysis of medical data without putting data privacy at risk, preserving customer privacy in personalized advertising, financial privacy for functions like stock price prediction algorithms, and forensic image recognition.
- Improving Election Security and Transparency. Researchers are working on how to use homomorphic encryption to make democratic elections more secure and transparent. For example, the Paillier encryption scheme, which uses addition operations, would be best suited for voting-related applications because it allows users to add up various values in an unbiased way while keeping their values private. This technology could not only protect data from manipulation, it could allow it to be independently verified by authorized third parties
Limitations of Fully Homomorphic Encryption
There are currently two known limitations of FHE. The first limitation is support for multiple users. Suppose there are many users of the same system (which relies on an internal database that is used in computations), and who wish to protect their personal data from the provider. One solution would be for the provider to have a separate database for every user, encrypted under that user’s public key. If this database is very large and there are many users, this would quickly become infeasible.
Next, there are limitations for applications that involve running very large and complex algorithms homomorphically. All fully homomorphic encryption schemes today have a large computational overhead, which describes the ratio of computation time in the encrypted version versus computation time in the clear. Although polynomial in size, this overhead tends to be a rather large polynomial, which increases runtimes substantially and makes homomorphic computation of complex functions impractical.
Implementations of Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Some of the world’s largest technology companies have initiated programs to advance homomorphic encryption to make it more universally available and user-friendly.
Microsoft, for instance, has created SEAL (Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library), a set of encryption libraries that allow computations to be performed directly on encrypted data. Powered by open-source homomorphic encryption technology, Microsoft’s SEAL team is partnering with companies like IXUP to build end-to-end encrypted data storage and computation services. Companies can use SEAL to create platforms to perform data analytics on information while it’s still encrypted, and the owners of the data never have to share their encryption key with anyone else. The goal, Microsoft says, is to “put our library in the hands of every developer, so we can work together for more secure, private, and trustworthy computing.”
Google also announced its backing for homomorphic encryption by unveiling its open-source cryptographic tool, Private Join and Compute. Google’s tool is focused on analyzing data in its encrypted form, with only the insights derived from the analysis visible, and not the underlying data itself.
Finally, with the goal of making homomorphic encryption widespread, IBM released its first version of its HElib C++ library in 2016, but it reportedly “ran 100 trillion times slower than plaintext operations.” Since that time, IBM has continued working to combat this issue and have come up with a version that is 75 times faster, but it is still lagging behind plaintext operations.
In an era when the focus on privacy is increased, mostly because of regulations such as GDPR, the concept of homomorphic encryption is one with a lot of promise for real-world applications across a variety of industries. The opportunities arising from homomorphic encryption are almost endless. And perhaps one of the most exciting aspects is how it combines the need to protect privacy with the need to provide more detailed analysis. Homomorphic encryption has transformed an Achilles heel into a gift from the gods.
This article was originally published on the Venafi blog at: https://www.venafi.com/blog/homomorphic-encryption-what-it-and-how-it-used.
Homo Digitalis' actions on Protagon
Protagon featured the actions of Homo Digitalis regarding the potential use of the Clearview app by Greek law enforcement authorities in a related article about the app
Letter to Greek ministers for the TERREG text
Today, 09.03.2020, Homo Digitalis sent a letter to the Minister of Civil Protection, the Minister of Justice and the Permanent Representation of Greece in the EU concerning important safeguards that should be taken into account in the TERREG text.
With this letter we underline various provisions in the suggested text, which might be extremely harmful for privacy, freedom of expression and freedom of information.
The said letter is aligned to the positions expressed by European Digital Rights (EDRi) as well as the pertinent Opinion of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA).
Homo Digitalis interview at Nea Tileorasi Kritis
Giorgos Perrakis, lawyer and Homo Digitalis member, spoke at a TV interview for the protection of digital rights and the activity of our organization.
He underlined particularly the participation of our organization in the event organized in Chania with the aim to educate the teachers regarding personal protection.
We warmly thank Nea Tileorasi Kritis for the excellent hosting and interview.
The full interview is available in Greek here.