Last week Homo Digitalis literally hit the road again! Following the very successful 1500 km tour in Peloponnese and Central Greece, it was the turn of Northern Greece with 5 different schools!

After the visits to the 3rd Serres High School, the Ierissos High School and the Arnaia High School in Halkidiki, it was time for the capital of Macedonia, the beautiful Thessaloniki!

Homo Digitalis spoke at the 63rd Primary School of Thessaloniki about cyber bullying to teachers and children of the 5th and 6th grade! Many thanks to our members Melina Skondra & Athanasia Tychala for their representation, their unquenchable desire to pass on their knowledge to children  and the school’s director Ms. Adamidou for the invitation!!!

But one school is not enough! So, our President Elpida Vamvaka and Charalampos Daftsios represented Homo Digitalis at the 28th General High School of Thessaloniki talking to teachers and students of the 1st grade about the digital footprint. Thanks to the school’s Director, Mrs. Halvatzi for the invitation!