Today is the opening of The Glass Room Exhibition and its two editions, Misinformation and What The Future Wants, at JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa.

It is a great honor for all of us at Homo Digitalis, Open Lab Athens and Digital Detox Experience to be able to bring together for the first time in Greece both publications, curated by our dear partners at Tactical Tech!!

The “Misinformation” edition focuses on the concept of misinformation, the way it is formed and evolves. Similarly, “What the F*ture Wants” is an interactive youth-focused version of the exhibition, presenting different aspects of technology, seen from a personal, political and global perspective.

Admission is of course free and we are looking forward to young and old from today until 16 December to enjoy these two unique versions of TheGlassRoom exhibition!

Homo Digitalis was represented at the opening by Stefanos Vitoratos and Anastasios Arampatzis!!! We would like to thank our partners at Tactical Tech, Joist Innovation Park, Open Lab Athens and Digital Detox Experience for this unique collaboration!