At our celebration of 5 years of Homo Digitalis & 20 years of European Digital Rights (EDRi) at The Benaki Museum, we were honoured to host a talk by Dr. Alexandra Giannopoulou, digiRISE Project Manager of the Digital Freedom Fund and Researcher at UvA-University of Amsterdam!

In her presentation, she informed the audience in detail about the DFF’s grant programs and its important educational activities under the “digiRISE: Digital Rights are Charter Rights workshops” program.

She also made extensive reference to the funding received in 2023 by Homo Digitalis to develop preparatory legal actions against national legislation providing for the retention of electronic communications metadata.

Finally, he underlined the important cooperation that exists between DFF and Homo Digitalis both with regard to the project “Decolonising the digital rights field” and in the context of the annual meetings of strategic legal actions.

In fact, this last meeting was successfully co-organized by DFF & Homo Digitalis in September 2023 in Athens! You can watch the video of the event in the following link here.