Homo Digitalis starts its collaboration with Sarantaporo.gr

Two prominent civil society organizations signed a memorandum of understanding with the aim to promote and protect…

Homo Digitalis on ΣΚΑΙ Crete 92,1

Η πρόεδρος της Homo Digitalis, Ελπίδα Βαμβακά και το μέλος της Homo Digitalis και DPO του ITE, Ανθή Στρατάκη, μίλησαν…

Homo Digitalis on ΚΡΗΤΗ TV

Homo Digitalis President, Elpida Vamvaka and Homo Digitalis member and DPO of FORTH, Anthi Strataki, talked to ΚΡΗΤΗ…

Homo Digitalis distributed cookies “for free” in Heraklio, Crete

The homo Digitalis team distributed cookies, under the auspices of the District of Crete, to explain to the public the…

Stefanos Vitoratos spoke to zougla.gr for the Data Protection Day

The vice-president of Homo Digitalis spoke to zougla.gr for the Data Protection Day

Homo Digitalis participates in a stakeholders’ meeting by BEREC

Today, February, 4, Homo Digitalis participated in a stakeholders' meeting organized by BEREC in Brussels

Homo Digitalis presentation in CPDP 2020 is now available

On January, 24, our organization contributed to a panel discussion in CPDP 2020 and the video of our presentation is…

Publication & Presentation of the first Evaluation of the CEPS Working Group

On January 22, the CEPS Working Group on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, to which Homo Digitalis takes part…

Homo Digitalis presentation in the M.Sc. Program “Digital Communications Media and Interaction Environments”

Stefanos Vitoratos, Homo Digitalis vice-president, gave a lecture in the context of the M.Sc. program of the Faculty of…

Happy Data Protection Day!

The Homo Digitalis team in Heraklio, Crete created a video in the context of January 28, the "European Data Protection…

Opinion of the Greek DPA on the Greek Data Protection Law

Today, January, 27, the Greek Data Protection Authority issued a very judgmental opinion on the provisions of the Greek…

Homo Digitalis particates in CPDP 2020

Our organization will take part in Computers, Privacy, Data Protection (CPDP) 2020, the most prominent conference in…

Homo Digitalis signs a letter to the European Commission

On Tuesday 14 January EDRi and 41 more organizations, including Homo Digitalis, sent an open letter to the European…

Open Letter to Alphabet Inc. CEO, Mr. Sundar Pichai

On 8 January, Privacy International sent an open letter, co-signed by Homo Digitalis, to Alphabet Inc. CEO regarding…

Open letter to the Minister of Digital Governance

On Friday 3 January, Homo Digitalis sent an open letter to the Minister of Digital Governance, Mr. Pierrakakis,…

Anastasia Karagianni at TEDx Lesvos

Anastasia gave a talk at TEDx Lesvos sharing her experience on a strange incident with her smartphone which then…

Greek Police: Non-compliance with Data Protection Legislation

Today, Homo Digitalis communicated to the Greek DPA the non-compliance of the Greek Police with the Data Protection…

Hellenic Police plans to introduce face recognition technology

AlgorithmWatch has published an article on the use of face recognition technology by law enforcement authorities in…

Reparations for immaterial damage under the GDPR: A new context

Giorgos Arsenis makes his comments on the recent decision of a court in Austria that paved the way for claiming…

Homo Digitalis at Freedom Not Fear 2019

7 members of our organization represented Homo Digitalis in the annual conference of European digital rights…