Open letter to the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council on DSA

Ηοmo Digitalis co-signed a letter by the Center for Democracy and Technology on DSA

Contribution by Homo Digitalis to the video conference held by the Hellenic Competition Commission

On Wednesday June 3rd 2020 Homo Digitalis will have the great honour and pleasure of making a contribution on the topic…

Participation in the open consultation of the European Data Strategy

Homo Digitalis submitted today its positions and proposals to the European Commission on the European Data Strategy

Deploying DP3T in the real world – how ready are we?

Our member Dr. Ioannis Krontiris interviewed Dr. Apostolos Pyrgelis, Post-Doctoral researcher in EPFL and member of the…

100+ organizations in a joint statement for COVID-19

More than 100 civil society organizations, including Homo Digitalis, signed a joint statement for privacy issues…

Homo Digitalis signs the ΕΑΙD Declaration

On 29 March, Homo Digitalis signed the European Academy for Freedom of Information and Data Protection (ΕΑΙD)…

Joint Letter to the Council of the EU on TERREG

On March 27, EDRi and many more organizations, including Homo Digitalis, sent a joint letter to the Council of the EU…

Request for the Greek DPA’s opinion on the Greek Police Agreement on Smart Policing

Today, 19.03.2020, Homo Digitalis filed a request to the President of the Greek DPA for the issue of an opinion…

Letter to Greek ministers for the TERREG text

Today, 09.03.2020, Homo Digitalis sent a letter to the Minister of Civil Protection, the Minister of Justice and the…

Homo Digitalis at 4th Data Protection & Privacy Law Forum

4 Homo Digitalis members participated as speakers at 4th Data Protection & Privacy Law Forum, which was organized with…

Call to Greek political parties: Reconsideration of the Data Protection Law

Homo Digitalis and "EKPOIZO" Consumers' Union sent a joint letter to all Greek parliamentary parties, requesting the…

Homo Digitalis in the 7th Information Security Conference

Konstantinos Kakavoulis represented Homo Digitalis in the 7th Information Security Conference, which was organized with…

Homo Digitalis educates the teachers in Chania

On 14 February Homo Digitalis was invited to speak to the teachers of primary and secondary education in Chania, Crete

Homo Digitalis distributed cookies “for free” in Heraklio, Crete

The homo Digitalis team distributed cookies, under the auspices of the District of Crete, to explain to the public the…

Homo Digitalis participates in a stakeholders’ meeting by BEREC

Today, February, 4, Homo Digitalis participated in a stakeholders' meeting organized by BEREC in Brussels

Homo Digitalis presentation in CPDP 2020 is now available

On January, 24, our organization contributed to a panel discussion in CPDP 2020 and the video of our presentation is…

Publication & Presentation of the first Evaluation of the CEPS Working Group

On January 22, the CEPS Working Group on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, to which Homo Digitalis takes part…

Homo Digitalis presentation in the M.Sc. Program “Digital Communications Media and Interaction Environments”

Stefanos Vitoratos, Homo Digitalis vice-president, gave a lecture in the context of the M.Sc. program of the Faculty of…

Happy Data Protection Day!

The Homo Digitalis team in Heraklio, Crete created a video in the context of January 28, the "European Data Protection…

Homo Digitalis particates in CPDP 2020

Our organization will take part in Computers, Privacy, Data Protection (CPDP) 2020, the most prominent conference in…