All Articles Actions Press Coverage Digital Rise Reports Actions March 27, 2025We Sponsor and Speak at the 15th InfoCom Security 2025! Actions March 23, 2025Registration for the 2nd AI Summit of Cleon Conferences, under the auspices of Homo Digitalis, is now open Press CoverageActions March 20, 2025Homo Digitalis Interview on NAFTEMPORIKI TV’s “REVIEW” with Takis Spiliopoulos Press CoverageActions March 18, 2025From Secrecy to Transparency: The Five-Year Battle for the Publication of Police Camera Operation Decisions Press CoverageActions March 11, 2025Homo Digitalis Interview on ANT1’s show “Your Business Can” with Fai Chrysοchoou Press CoverageActions March 8, 2025Interview with Lamprini Gyftokosta of Homo Digitalis in ELLE GREECE’s Feature for International Women’s Day Actions March 7, 2025Homo Digitalis Event on the AI Act and opportunities for synergies for Civil Society Organizations Press CoverageActions March 6, 2025What’s Happening with the 1,000 Smart Policing Devices of the Hellenic Police, Five Years After Our Complaint to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority ? Actions March 4, 2025We are co-organizing an event on Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection at the JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa! ReportsActions February 28, 2025Read the Pocket Guide on Protecting Your Privacy During Protests Actions February 26, 2025Homo Digitalis is participating in the online informational event organized by Project Parenting Actions February 22, 2025We co-sign an CSO Open Letter on the proposed GDPR Procedural Regulation Actions February 13, 20254 million euros were spent by the Greek Police to issue fines related to violations of the Road Traffic Code Actions February 11, 2025Homo Digitalis wore the vest of love participating in the “Seller for an Hour” action of the street magazine “Shedia Press Coverage February 9, 2025Interview of Our President at Women in Digital Actions February 6, 2025We sign a common CSO statement for the AI Summit on the protection of environment Press CoverageActions February 6, 2025The Hellenic Data Protection Authority Investigates DeepSeek Actions February 5, 2025The sixth open call of NGI TALER is here! Submit your application! Actions February 4, 2025We Gave the Most Interesting Interview to the Students of the Nikaias Primary School in Larissa for Data Protection Day ReportsPress CoverageActions February 4, 2025Press Release DEMOCRACY WITH NO AIR The State of the Rule of Law in Greece Today