On 12-13 December Homo Digitalis had the great honour and pleasure to be at the Politecnico di Torino, invited by Professor Alessandro Mantelero, holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in Mediterranean Digital Societies and Law.

On the first day we attended a workshop attended by the Presidents of the Data Protection Authorities of Tunisia and Morocco, representatives of the Italian and Catalan Data Protection Authorities, leading academics from Italy, Greece, Malta and Spain and representatives of national and international civil society organisations.

On the second day we presented our work regarding the development and use of interventional AI technologies in Greece.
It is a great honor for Homo Digitalis to be a member of the Advisory Committee in this project, and we would like to thank Professor Alessandro Mantelero and Lecturer Maria Samantha Esposito for the kind invitation and the excellent collaboration! Our team was represented by the Secretary of the Board Eleftherios Chelioudakis.

You can learn more about the event here.