Homo Digitalis talks to Ant1 and Tasos Teloglou about the National Cybersecurity Authority and NIS2

Stefanos Vitoratos and the Minister of Digital Governance Dimitris Papastergiou spoke to Tasos Telloglou for his report on ANT1’s Central News on NIS2 and the National Cybersecurity Authority.

The report highlights some elements of the new framework, as well as what is required for the new Authority to be successful in its work. It is important for our country to have a strong National Cybersecurity Authority, properly staffed to meet the ever-increasing challenges.

Homo Digitalis is always available to work with the Authority both in terms of awareness raising and in other areas of its expertise.

You can view the relevant extract here.


Homo Digitalis talks to Inside.Story about the microphone of our mobile phone

Can the mobile phone finally hear us?

Many people believe that the mobile phone microphone is recording us without our knowledge, for advertising purposes. So is this a conspiracy theory or reality?

To inside story. and journalist Rafaela Maneli today published an article analyzing the relevant issues, with the participation of Homo Digitalis’ Director for Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights issues, Lamprini Gyftokosta, in it. You can read the article here.

Thank you very much for the interview and the interest in our actions!