Homo Digitalis' triple participation in IGF Greece 2022 was a great success

On the weekend of 5 and 6 November 2022 we participated in #IGFGreece2022 where we had the honour and pleasure to take part in very interesting discussions about the Internet and Governance in Greece.
Many thanks to Internet Governance Forum Greece for the wonderful hospitality!

Homo Digitalis with Triple Representation at the Internet Governance Forum Greece 2022

Tomorrow Saturday and the day after Sunday we will be at the Internet Governance Forum Greece at OTEAcademy – the conference starts tomorrow at 10:00!
Book your place or register to attend online here.
-Stefanos Vitoratos moderates the panel “Information as Power”.
-Elpida Vamvaka participates on Sunday in the panel “The Power of Policy Making” moderated by Vassilis Vassilopoulos on internet governance and the voice of citizens in emerging governance models.
-Alexandra Giannopoulou is part of the panel “Financial Power”, on decentralised finance.


Our speech at IGF Greece's online event on DSA and digital platforms

Christos Zanganas will represent us on Monday, October 17 at 19:00 in the discussion of an issue we often read about:
What is the regulatory framework that defines the technical and legal measures for a secure and transparent internet?
What is the responsibility of digital platforms and what does the new European legislation of the Digital Services Act (DSA) ensure?
You can register here.