Homo Digitalis' participation in CPDP 2024 was a great success

For another year, and consistently since 2019, Homo Digitalis was present at the internationally renowned Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) conference in Brussels!

We are honored that the organizers chose us to participate in the conference podcast series, with our Director for AI & Human Rights, Lamprini Gyftokosta, analyzing our pending cases before the Data Protection Authority in Greece, and our significant successes so far!

Also, another very nice moments of ours at the event, is EDRi’s award from the Center for AI and Digital Policy (CAIDP) “AI Policy Leader in Civil Society” regarding our joint campaign ReclaimYourFace, of which Homo Digitalis is a co-founding member!

Of course, it is always unique for us to see our members actively participating in the conference and have a dynamic presence in discussions, panels and other events both with their Homo Digitalis hat and that of their professional capacity Thank you very much for proudly representing Homo Digitalis at this conference every year!!!

We took an award at CPDP for the Reclaim Your Face campaign

On Tuesday 21 May at the Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) conference in Brussels the first ever “Europe AI Policy Leader Awards” by the Center for AI and Digital Policy (CAIDP) took place!!

There the European Digital Rights (EDRi) network, of which Homo Digitalis is the only member in Greece, received the “AI Policy Leader in Civil Society” award for the Reclaim Your Face campaign which was a leader in setting limits on the use of remote biometric identification in the EU AI Act!!!

It is a great honour for Homo Digitalis to be a co-founding member of this campaign, and this award fills all campaign members from the EDRi network and other allies with enthusiasm for all that we can achieve when we act strategically under a common goal!

Thank you CAIDP for this important recognition!

Homo Digitalis participates for the 4th time in CPDP!

Homo Digitalis participates for the 4th time in CPDP, the most recognized international conference for the protection of personal data and privacy!

After our continuous presence there with panel talks and workshops, this year we are honored to be present with a new medium! Namely, we will be interviewed as part of Avatar.fm, a live radio project organized by the social radio station dublab.de and the privacy salon during the CPDP!

Avatar.fm will set the pulse of the conference from 22 to 24 May, providing a platform for organisations with a leading role in data protection and privacy, highlighting their activities in the field of AI and new technologies!

Avatar.fm will be broadcasting live from the iconic Gare Maritime in Brussels, and will also host recorded broadcasts and live DJ Sets! For those of you not there, you can listen to the shows on dublab.de

Homo Digitalis will be represented in this interview by our Director on Artificial Intelligence & Human Rights, Lamprini Gyftokosta.

Stay tuned for the full programme!