We published an article on Nomiki Bibliothiki's website about CSAR
This is a crucial period for the proposed European Regulation on preventing and combating child sexual abuse online (Child Sexual Abuse Regulation -CSAR).
In the context of these important developments, our co-founding members Elefterios Chelioudakis and Stefanos Vitoratos prepared a detailed article for the NB Daily website in order to highlight the relevant issues.
We would like to thank the editorial team of Nomiki Bibliothiki for their cooperation.
You can read the article here.
We give a lecture at the OSCE's three-day training seminar on the protection of human rights at the borders
The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) organizes next week its training course for human rights defenders working at international borders in Warsaw! The three-day training course aims to enable human rights defenders to understand the human rights implications of border technologies and to improve their skills in collecting and verifying information through various means, including new technologies, for effective human rights monitoring at borders.
On a pro bono basis, Homo Digitalis and HIAS Greece will give a lecture during the training course related to our great success with the KENTAUROS and HYPERION case!
Our lecture titled “Combating Centaurs and Titans – Leveraging Data Protection Law to Counter Intrusive Surveillance in Migration” will focus on how data protection law can be strategically employed to challenge invasive surveillance technologies used in migration. Eleftherios Chelioudakis will represent Homo Digitalis in this lecture.
We would like to thank the organizers for their kind invitation, as well as HIAS Greece for the great collaboration.
You can find more information about the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) here.
We give a lecture on AI ACT at company bora
Tomorrow, June 20, Homo Digitalis will give a talk-seminar on AI Act before the workforce and partners of the company bora.
Specifically, Homo Digitalis’ AI & Human Rights Manager, Lamprini Gyftokosta, in a 1-hour web presentation in English, will take a deep dive into the important provisions of the new legislation and discuss relevant compliance challenges with the audience!
Many thanks to bora for the kind invitation to host this seminar, and especially to Anastasios Arampatzis, Joe Pettit & David Turner!
You can learn more about bora here.
If you would also like to invite Homo Digitalis to provide a relevant seminar to your employees, you can express your interest at info@homodigitalis.gr
Homo Digitalis speaks at the 2nd Colour of Surveillance Conference
Homo Digitalis has the great honour and pleasure to speak at the 2nd European Colour of Surveillance Conference “Liberation Practices in times of Fascism”, which this time is being held on 26 & 27 June in Berlin by the organisations Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, International Women* Space and Weaving Liberation!
Specifically, Homo Digitalis’ Director of Human Rights & AI, Lamprini Gyftokosta, will give a speech in the framework of the Workshop “Blue: the colour of surveillance In Greece: lessons from challenging Migration Tech” during the second day of the conference!
We would like to thank the organizers for the kind invitation and hospitality!
You can learn more about the conference programme here.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Homo Digitalis is a member of the Europeana Network Association (ENA)
Homo Digitalis is now a member of the Europeana Network Association (ENA)! ENA is under the auspices of the Digital Library Europeana, which offers access to millions of books, maps, audio recordings, photographs, archival documents, paintings and films, as well as other materials from national libraries and cultural institutions in the 27 Member States of the European Union. ENA is a strong and democratic community of people working, studying or interested in digital cultural heritage and the use of new technologies in education and the arts.
Homo Digitalis is involved in three different working groups: The EuropeanaTech Community, the Europeana Education Community και the Europeana Copyright!
Despite the fact that we have already been in contact since 2018 and have participated in events and presentations of Europeana’s work, it is a great honour and pleasure for Homo Digitalis to be now an official member of ENA!
In these working groups we will be represented by our Co-Founder, Eleftherios Chelioudakis.
We spoke to the newspaper Kathimerini and journalist Yannis Papadopoulos about the leak of personal data to Christie's Auction House
On 30 May, international auction house Christie’s sent an email to its customers to inform them that their personal data had been hacked, and on 3 June a lawsuit was filed in New York for damages against the international auction house.
The journalist of Kathimerini newspaper, Yiannis Papadopoulos, wrote a detailed article on this case, and Homo Digitalis provided relevant comments, with Eleftherios Chelioudakis representing us.
We thank the journalist for his interest in our views.
You can read the article here.
We spoke at an event hosted by KEPSIPI in the context of the Erasmus+ Digital Learning and Social Intervention programme
On Thursday 23rd of May we had the pleasure to participate in the event organized by KEPSIPI in the framework of the Erasmus+ Digital Learning and Social Intervention project and to talk about digital learning and the importance of personal data for social workers from Greece, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Romania and the challenges of using AI tools in the field of social intervention. We would like to thank Ms. Margarita Moraitou for the invitation and her efforts to highlight this issue both nationally and European-wide.
Our Director for AI and New Technologies, Lamprini Gyftokosta, spoke representing Homo Digitalis at the event.
You can learn more about the work and activities of the Centre for Mental and Pedagogical Health here.
Homo Digitalis' participation in CPDP 2024 was a great success
For another year, and consistently since 2019, Homo Digitalis was present at the internationally renowned Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) conference in Brussels!
We are honored that the organizers chose us to participate in the conference podcast series, with our Director for AI & Human Rights, Lamprini Gyftokosta, analyzing our pending cases before the Data Protection Authority in Greece, and our significant successes so far!
Also, another very nice moments of ours at the event, is EDRi’s award from the Center for AI and Digital Policy (CAIDP) “AI Policy Leader in Civil Society” regarding our joint campaign ReclaimYourFace, of which Homo Digitalis is a co-founding member!
Of course, it is always unique for us to see our members actively participating in the conference and have a dynamic presence in discussions, panels and other events both with their Homo Digitalis hat and that of their professional capacity Thank you very much for proudly representing Homo Digitalis at this conference every year!!!
Homo Digitalis' participation in the Digital World Summit Greece was a great success
Homo Digitalis had the great honor and pleasure to be present with double representation at the Digital World Summit Greece, today Tuesday, May 28th at the National Hellenic Research Foundation!
Specifically, our Vice President and Partner at Digital Law Experts (DLE), Stefanos Vitoratos, participated as a moderator in the 1st panel of the conference, on the topic “#AI: The intersection between regulation and innovation”, in a fascinating discussion with speakers such as Dimitris Gerogiannis (President AI Catalyst), Lilian Mitrou (Professor, Department of Information & Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean), Charalambos Tsekeris (President of the National Bioethics & Technology Ethics Committee), Yannis Mastrogeorgiou (Special Secretary for Long Term Planning, Presidency of the Greek Government) and Fotis Draganidis (Director of Technology at Microsoft Hellas).
Our Director for Human Rights & Artificial Intelligence, Lamprini Gyftokosta, was a speaker at the 2nd panel of the Digital World Summit Greece 2024, on “Cybersecurity, Citizen Security and Artificial Intelligence”! The panel was moderated by Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos (Co-founder & Director, Athens Legal Tech), while Natalia Soulia (Senior Associate | Privacy, Data Protection & Cybersecurity, KG Law FIrm) was also present as a speaker, Thomas Dobridis (Head of the General Directorate of Cybersecurity, Ministry of Digital Governance), Antonis Broumas (Head of Law and Technology, EY Platis-Anastasiades) and Stella Tsitsoula (Founder, RED. comm, Co-Founder | Women4Cyber GR | Founder Hellenic Cybersecurity Institute)!
We would like to thank the organizers for their kind invitation, as every year, to this important conference.