Our celebratory event for the 5 Years of Homo Digitalis and the 20 Years of European Digital Rights at the Benaki Museum last week was an absolute success and was, without a doubt, one of the most intense, moving and important moments we have ever experienced!!

We managed to bring together in just a few hours the voluntary work we have all done together over these 5 years to make our digital society a little better!

While we are preparing posts with great material of photos, videos, and presentations coming soon we wanted to say today a HUGE thank you to our event volunteers, Ariana Rapti, Charalampos Kyritsis, Yannis Marinakis, Avgi Saoulidou, Nikoletta Georgakopoulou, Alexandra Giannopoulou, and Sophia Antonopoulou, without whom we would not have made it!

Thank you to all our members, all & all of you, for these five years, for the dedication and seriousness you have shown to the organization!