The newest issue of GDPR Today is out!

Today, June 11th 2019, the new issue of GDPR Today has been released including many articles and statistics about the…

Homo Digitalis to the organizing committee of the Data Privacy & Protection Conference 2019

The Vice President of Homo Digitalis, Mr. Stefanos Vitoratos is actively involved in organizing the 4th Data Privacy &…

Complaint lodged by Homo Digitalis against Greece for non-compliance with the EU’s data privacy law addressed to the European Commission

Today, on 30.05.2019, our organisation lodged a complaint before the European Commission against Greece for…

Open letter on the implementation of the provisions of the new Directive on Copyright

Today, on 20 May 2019, EDRi and 41 other organisations, Homo Digitalis included, sent an open letter to the European…

Homo Digitalis at the Greek-French School of Piraeus “Saint Paul”

Homo Digitalis was invited by the Greek-French School of Piraeus "Saint Paul" and spoke to the students of the…

Open Letter on the dangers of using deep packet inspection

Today, 15 May 2019, European Digital Rights (EDRi) along with other 45 civil society organizations, academics and…

Homo Digitalis visited Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna

Homo Digitalis was hosted by Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna and spoke to the students of the 1st and 2nd grade…

Open letter on net neutrality addressed to the European Commission and BEREC

29 organisations of civil society, Homo Digitalis included, sent today an open letter addressed to the European…

Homo Digitalis in a meeting with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice

Today Homo Digitalis had a very interesting and important meeting with the Secretary General of the Ministry of…

Homo Digitalis at Ionidios School of Piraeus

Today, 27 March 2017, Homo Digitalis conducted a presentation to students of 12-15 years in Ionidios School of Piraeus…

Homo Digitalis in the European Parliament #SaveYourInternet #Pledge2019

Many members of Homo Digitalis who live in Belgium organized important meetings with Greek MEPs arguing against Article…

Homo Digitalis joins forces with Statewatch, Privacy International, Digital Courage and ApTI

We sent an open letter to call on MEPs in the European Parliament Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee… Voters poised to make upload filters a dealbreaker in EU elections

Austrian digital rights NGO and partner organisations from across Europe, including Homo Digitalis, are…

Homo Digitalis at the annual meeting of Digital Freedom Fund

Homo Digitalis had the pleasure and honour to participate at the annual developing strategy meeting, by the…

Homo Digitalis at a meeting with the Special Regulatory Committee for the Draft Law on Data Protection

Homo Digitalis attended a meeting with the Special Regulatory Committee for the Draft Law on Data Protection

Homo Digitalis proposal on the Draft Law on Personal Data

Homo Digitalis suggested an addition to the Draft Law on Personal Data

Homo Digitalis for the European Data Protection Day

January 28 has been established as the European Data Protection Day by the Council of Europe. The members of Homo…

Homo Digitalis met with the Greek Data Protection Authority

Homo Digitalis had the pleasure of meeting the representatives of the Greek Data Protection Authority. Present at the…

Homo Digitalis sends a letter to the Greek Parliament regarding the draft law on PNR data

Homo Digitalis submitted an open letter on November 27, addressed to all the Members of the Greek Parliament, regarding…

Letter to the European Data Protection Board for the ceasement of GDPR abuse

On 21 November 2018, ApTI, Privacy International, EDRi and 15 more digital rights organizations, including Homo…