All Latest news Articles Actions Our work Press Releases Digital Rise Reports Uncategorized ReportsActions May 3, 2023We express our concern about the introduction of a mechanism providing for direct payments from content providers and technology companies to major European telecom companies. Actions May 2, 2023Homo Digitalis speaks for the 3rd consecutive year at RightsCon ReportsActions April 28, 2023Our participation in the study “DMA & DSA: A comprehensive inventory of the EU’s effort to regulate digital platforms & the digital economy” Actions April 26, 2023Our speech at REDA 2023 at the European University Cyprus Actions April 26, 2023Our participation in the 6th annual DFF strategic meeting Actions April 21, 2023Our speech at the Infocom Security Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Personal Data and Cybersecurity ReportsActions April 20, 2023The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not respond to Homo Digitalis on PREDATOR ReportsActions April 19, 2023Joint Letter to the European Parliament on the AI Act Actions April 13, 2023Don’t miss the event on AI and migration Actions April 11, 2023Can Education & Games in the Easter holiday go together? Yes! Actions April 4, 2023Our Educational Talk at the University of Patras on Artificial Intelligence & Dark Patterns Actions April 3, 2023Our participation in the summit “This Is What Police Tech Looks Like” of the JET Table of LSE in Belgrade Actions March 30, 2023Our educational talk on AI & border management Actions March 29, 2023Educational Presentation at the Tositsio Arsakeio of Ekali Actions March 27, 2023We cut our New Year’s cake for 2023! Articles March 27, 2023The Challenge of Complying with New EU Legislative Security Requirements Actions March 23, 2023Participation & Speech at the event celebrating 20 years of EDRi in Brussels Actions March 18, 2023Development of partnerships with JOIST Innovation Park and iED in Larissa Actions March 16, 2023Talk about DORA and NIS2 in an educational webinar Actions March 13, 2023Participation in a speech at the Nikos Poulantzas Institute