The award-winning cartoon series Super-Cyber Kids, a production by ISC2 Hellenic Chapter, ICSI HELLAS S.A., and Homo Digitalis, with the support of ADACOM Cyber Security, Eurolife FFH, bora, and RESET CONSULTANTS, is now available with Greek subtitles! A big thank you to the amazing Panagiotis Soulos for this significant volunteer initiative!
- How can excessive use of social media negatively impact children’s performance in school or sports?
- Are there risks of personal data leaks and password theft when connecting to third-party WiFi networks?
- How do incidents of cyberbullying occur?
- What connection might cybersecurity have with the evolution of a war like the Trojan War?
- How can a teenage team win a soccer match by spying on their opponents’ social media?
Answers to all these questions and much more are provided in the five episodes of the series, available for free on our YouTube channels here.