Homo Digitalis had the pleasure of participating in the privacy camp organized by European Digital Rights in Brussels a few days ago.
Among the topics discussed were the preservation of electronic communications metadata, spyware, immigration and the use of new technologies and sex workers rights.
Of particular interest was the Workshop In spyware we trust. With new tools come new problems with speakers European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) Wojciech Wiewiórowski, @EU_EDPS Rebecca White Campaigner – Disrupting Surveillance Team at Amnesty Tech, Bastien Le Querrec, member of La Quadrature Du Net, and Elisa Triantafillou, journalist of inside story, who presented how she and her team uncovered the use of predator software in Greece.

Our organisation was represented by Eleftherios Chelioudakis and Elpida Vamvaka.
Many congratulations to EDRi for organizing such timely and interesting discussions.