We published a joint study with EDRi on age verification online
Age verification is the process of predicting or confirming a person’s age online. Increasingly we hear from governments and technology companies that age verification is a tool we should use to ensure the safety of children online.
For example, in the EU, the draft regulation establishing rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse (CSAR) proposes to enforce age verification forms for private messaging services (e.g. WhatsApp, Signal) and app stores operating in the EU, as well as to provide strong incentives to use this tool on all other digital platforms and services, such as social media.
The European Digital Rights network, including Homo Digitalis, has prepared a relevant study with a rich analysis of more than 30 pages, freely available here.
It is important to ensure that our children have access to age-appropriate online content. However, quick technological ‘fixes’ such as age verification online will not make a difference or really solve the complex problems we face. On the contrary, the adoption of age verification systems can have serious human rights implications, especially for the children they are intended to protect.
Homo Digitalis participates in a New York University meeting on Artificial Intelligence
Last week, Homo Digitalis was invited to participate in the strategic meeting “Co-creating a shared human-rights agenda for AI regulation and the digital welfare state”, organized by the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University Law School and Amnesty Tech’s Algorithmic Accountability Lab!
It is always a great honor to see our work to promote and protect human rights recognized internationally, and we thoroughly enjoyed sharing ideas, expertise and knowledge with an amazing group of academics, civil society organizations and other stakeholders around the world.
⚡ Our group was represented at the Strategy Session by Board Secretary Eleftherios Chelioudakis. Stay tuned for more exciting partnerships!
The European Parliament did not adopt our request for a complete ban on the use of spyware in the EMFA provisions
Yesterday, the European Parliament adopted its proposed provisions for the Regulation establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (EMFA). Now the proposed texts enter the next legislative phase: the trilogue conferences.
Already last week, together with 80 other civil society organisations, journalists and journalists’ unions, we had sent an open letter to MEPs calling on them to adopt a complete ban on the use of spyware, which is a direct attack on our democratic societies and the protection of Human Rights.
Unfortunately, MEPs did not adopt this proposal, but we have enough time to exert pressure and turn the situation around in the trilogue phase.
In Greece we have seen reputable journalists with very important research work being targeted by such spying software, and it is the duty of all of us to join our voices to protect press freedom and independent journalism.
Homo Digitalis in Brussels to speak at two important events
Homo Digitalis made a lightning trip to Brussels this week!
There we attended the annual plenary meeting of the Justice, Equity & Technology (JET) Table at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), which we have been members of for more than 2.5 years now, studying the implications of using technologies to defend specific social groups based on class and race.
We also successfully participated for another year in FreedomNotFear, where we had the great pleasure to organise a talk regarding the use of intrusive technologies in the field of border protection and our related legal actions for 2019-2023.
For Homo Digitalis, our Board Secretary, Eleftherios Chelioudakis, travelled from Greece to Brussels
Homo Digitalis talks to Athens 9.84
Margarita Mytilineou is one of the most acclaimed radio producers of the last decades.
Tomorrow morning, she welcomes Lambrini Gyftokosta, Director of Artificial Intelligence & Human Rights at Homo Digitalis, for a discussion on the topic “Can our mobile phone finally listen to us?”
Tune in to learn more about the ads we see every day everywhere on the Internet.
-Why are they different for each of us?
-How much does it affect us?
-How much is it legal?
Homo Digitalis talks to Inside.Story about the microphone of our mobile phone
Can the mobile phone finally hear us?
Many people believe that the mobile phone microphone is recording us without our knowledge, for advertising purposes. So is this a conspiracy theory or reality?
To inside story. and journalist Rafaela Maneli today published an article analyzing the relevant issues, with the participation of Homo Digitalis’ Director for Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights issues, Lamprini Gyftokosta, in it. You can read the article here.
Thank you very much for the interview and the interest in our actions!
Homo Digitalis co-organizes with the Digital Freedom Fund the Strategic Litigation Meeting for the first time in Greece!
The Digital Freedom Fund’s Strategic Litigation Meeting is back!
In collaboration with Homo Digitalis and with funding from Luminate, the retreat will take place in Athens from September 11-14. If you are planning to take legal action against major tech companies or other class actions, register now here.
The retreat hosts training sessions and workshops aimed at developing participants’ legal skills and tactics in a relaxed and collaborative environment with other colleagues. DFF also hopes to be able to sponsor some of the cases that participants develop during the meeting.
After two online versions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, DFF is pleased to bring the event back to its true essence as an in-person retreat where participants can disconnect from other activities and commitments to work in depth on the study and strategic planning of their cases.
In the latest post on the DFF blog, legal counsel César Manso-Sayao shares more details about the retreat, as well as some thoughts regarding recent developments on the liability of large platforms. Read it here.
Artwork by Kruthika N.S.
We call on the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the EU to prioritise fundamental rights over profits
As the EU institutions move forward in “trilogue” negotiations, the last stage for the adoption of the proposed EU legislation on AI #AIAct, we are taking a stand again!
150 civil society organisations, including Homo Digitalis, are calling on the European Parliament, the European Commission and the EU Council to put people and their fundamental rights ahead of profits!
In the coming period we intend to take initiatives in this regard at national level as well! You can read our letter here.
Homo Digitalis participates again in an event of the Greek KnowledgeNet Chapter of IAPP
Next Thursday, 13/7, at 19:00, Homo Digitalis will have the great pleasure and honor to be present at the event of the Greek KnowledgeNet Chapter of the IAPP – International Association of Privacy Professionals on “Managing the rights of data subjects”.
There we will be represented by our new Director in Artificial Intelligence & Human Rights issues, Lambrini Gyftokosta, in a panel in which Ms. Kalli Karveli, Legal Auditor, at the Data Protection Authority and Mr. Evangelos Katsaras Senior Associate, ALG MANOUSAKIS LAW FIRM will participate.
We would like to thank the organizers for the invitation and the interest in our actions! You can find out more about the venue of the event on its official page here.