Letter from Homo Digitalis before NCRTV on the obligations arising from Regulation 2024/1083

On September 3, Homo Digitalis submitted an open letter (no. 4844-3-9-24) to the The National Council for Radio and Television (NCRTV), in which it raised two (2) questions regarding the application of the provisions of Article 25 of Regulation 2024/1083 on the establishment of a common framework for media services in the internal market.

In particular, as stipulated in Article 25, par. 2-3, the competent independent authorities in the Member States shall monitor and submit an annual report on the allocation of public advertising expenditure to media service providers and online platform providers. Those annual reports shall be made publicly available in an easily accessible format and shall be based on the information made public on an annual basis by electronic and user-friendly means by public authorities or entities that have incurred public advertising expenditure.

This information shall include at least:

(a) the official names of the media service providers or online platform providers from which services have been purchased,

(b) where applicable, the official names of the business groups to which any media service providers or online platform providers belong; and

(c) the total annual amount spent and the annual amounts spent per media service provider or online platform provider.

In view of the above, Homo Digitalis submitted the following two (2) questions before the NCRTV:

1 ) Has the NCRTV proceeded with the publication of the relevant annual report for the year 2023 regarding the allocation of state advertising expenditure to media service providers and online platform providers? If the NCRTV does not have the relevant competence, before which body should we appeal?

2) Does the NCRTV  know whether public authorities or entities which have incurred expenditure on state advertising have complied with their obligation to publish annually by electronic and user-friendly means the information detailed in Article 25(2) of Regulation 2024/1083? In what ways could we as civil society monitor the respective activities of public authorities/entities in order to assist you in your work and inform you of any shortcomings in their compliance?

We hope to receive an answer to our questions soon.