Statements by Homo Digitalis in Kathimerini on speech recording and online advertising

Journalist Giannis Papadopoulos in his article for Kathimerini newspaper discusses the recent revelations about the “Active Listening” function of the advertising company Cox Media Group.

Specifically, in a corporate presentation trying to promote this feature to its customers, Cox Media Group claimed that it could “eavesdrop” on conversations of users of mobile phones and other smart devices and with the help of artificial intelligence create targeted ads. The Company’s existing customer base includes major technology companies, including Facebook, Google and Amazon.

Lamprini Gyftokosta and Eleftherios Chelioudakis provided statements for Homo Digitalis to the reporter regarding both mobile phone settings and the challenges that arise in protecting the personal data and privacy of users through the dark patterns used by the tech giants.

We are very grateful to the journalist for his interest in our posts. You can read his article here.

In a related article-opinion hosted by Kathimerini newspaper and co-authored by Lillian Mitrou, Professor at the University of the Aegean and Vassilis Karkatzounis, PhD candidate at the University of the Aegean, important observations are provided  regarding the challenges arising from the application of legislation in the complex environment of online advertising. You can read the article here.

Finally, we recall that as early as 2020, Homo Digitalis has already taken strategic legal action at the European level with our complaints against Google and IAB Europe in the context of their intrusive practices of targeted behavioural advertising. Our cases are pending before the Irish and Belgian authorities respectively and we expect decisions on these cases to be issued shortly.  You can read more here.


We spoke to the newspaper Kathimerini and journalist Vassilis Andrianopoulos about cyber-bullying

Konstantinos Kakavoulis, co-founder and Treasurer of the Board of Directors of Homo Digitalis, gave comments to the newspaper Kathimerini and journalist Vassilis Andrianopoulos on cyber-bullying and Homo Digitalis’ related pro bono actions.

We would like to thank the newspaper Kathimerini and the journalist for their interest in our actions.

You can read the article here.


We spoke to the newspaper Kathimerini and journalist Yannis Papadopoulos about the leak of personal data to Christie's Auction House

On 30 May, international auction house Christie’s sent an email to its customers to inform them that their personal data had been hacked, and on 3 June a lawsuit was filed in New York for damages against the international auction house.

The journalist of Kathimerini newspaper, Yiannis Papadopoulos, wrote a detailed article on this case, and Homo Digitalis provided relevant comments, with Eleftherios Chelioudakis representing us.

We thank the journalist for his interest in our views.

You can read the article here.