Our third speech at the CPDP was a success

Last Friday we spoke at the workshop “The Right of Access to Police Databases” organized by Vrije Universiteit Brussel in the framework of CPDP Conferences 2023, next to representatives of EDPS – European Data Protection Supervisor , Europol and Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles!!

Homo Digitalis was represented by Stergios Konstantinou, talking about our relevant actions / cases and the legal framework in Greece and Cyprus!

We would like to thank the organizers for the kind and honorable invitation and their interest in our actions!


We are talking at the CPDP for the 3rd time!

Homo Digitalis speaks for the third year at the CPDP Conference (Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference), the largest international conference on data protection and privacy in the modern digital age!

This year we are participating as speakers in the workshop organized by Vrije Universiteit Brussel entitled “The Right of Access to Police Databases”, in which representatives of important institutions such as EDPS – European Data Protection Supervisor, Europol and UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles are present alongside us! This is another important recognition of Homo Digitalis’ actions in this field at European level!

In the workshop session of Friday 26 May, we will be represented by our member and lawyer Stergios Konstantinou! We would like to thank the organizers for the invitation!
You can see the CPDP2023 programme and register here.