Homo Digitalis speaks to the PEGA Committee of the European Parliament during her visit to Greece

The European Parliament’s Committee of Inquiry into the investigation into the use of spyware in the EU is in Greece this week!

Homo Digitalis has been invited to appear before it to give evidence on the significant challenges to the rule of law, democracy and human rights. We will be represented at this meeting by the Vice President of the Board, Stefanos Vitoratos.

The Commission of Inquiry will also meet representatives of journalists from InsideStory and Reporters United, who highlighted #Pretarorgate with their investigation, as well as representatives of civil society and political parties, among others.

Homo Digitalis participates in the IAPP Hellenic KnowledgeNet Chapter's event

At 18:00 (until 20:30) the Greek KnowledgeNet Chapter of the IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals) is organizing an event at the Athens Bar Association on “Privacy of communications: violations and discrimination of the right to privacy and personal data”. Stefanos Vitoratos will be on the panel discussing an issue that concerns us all.

Detailed information about the event can be found here:
We note that two more members of Homo Digitalis, Melina Skondra (Chaptair Chair) and Stergios Konstantinou (Young Privacy Professional) are among the Greek Chpater leaders of the IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals) for Greece.