Our pro bono Educational Speech at Roche Hellas

On Thursday 11 May, Homo Digitalis had the pleasure of speaking to Roche Hellas staff about the “digital footprint” in the context of the Compliance Week organized by the company.

Such awareness raising initiatives are particularly important to raise the level of awareness about digital rights for all of us as citizens, internet users, consumers and employees.

We hope that other companies will follow the example of Roche Hellas! Thank you very much for the invitation, the participation and the interesting discussion.

Homo Digitalis was represented by its co-founders Konstantinos Kakavoulis and Stefanos Vitoratos.


Our Guest Lecture at a postgraduate course of National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

On Tuesday 2/5, Homo Digitalis participated with a guestlecture in the course “Migration and asylum governance in South-eastern Europe” of the English-language postgraduate programme “South-East European Studies: politics, history, economics” at the University of Athens. We would like to thank Professor Angeliki Dimitriadi for the kind and honorable invitation to participate in her course!

It was a unique feeling to see the great interest of the students in the activities of Homo Digitalis and our partners in the field of border management and their active participation in the discussion with questions! Awareness-raising activities like these remind us of the importance of developing fruitful partnerships between civil society and academic institutions!

We were represented at the guest lecture by the Secretary of the Board of Directors, Eleftherios Chelioudakis. We would also like to thank our member Asimina Koliniati who brought us in contact with the lecturer!

If you also have suggestions for joint awareness raising activities, you can contact us at “info@homodigitalis.gr”.


We express our concern about the introduction of a mechanism providing for direct payments from content providers and technology companies to major European telecom companies.

In February 2023, the European Commission presented a series of actions to transform the EU’s connectivity sector, including an exploratory consultation on the future of the connectivity sector and related infrastructure.

Today, 48 organisations, including Homo Digitalis, published a joint statement expressing our collective concern about calls at EU level for a mechanism to provide for significant direct payments (“network contribution”, “network fee”, “fair share”) from content providers and technology companies to large European telecoms companies.

We call on EU policy makers and Member States to resist the imposition of direct payment obligations in favour of the largest telecom operators! Six MEPs support our stand!

You can read our joint statement in English and the MEPs’ joint support here.
You can read the relevant EU Press Release here.


Our participation in the study "DMA & DSA: A comprehensive inventory of the EU's effort to regulate digital platforms & the digital economy"

Yesterday, the ENA Institute for Alternative Policies published the study “DMA & DSA: An analytical inventory of the EU’s effort to regulate digital platforms & the digital economy”, in which Christos Zanganas, Lawyer representing Homo Digitalis and Antonis Bogris, Information & Communications Engineer and Professor at the University of West Attica, participated.

You can read the study here. Thank you very much for your cooperation!


Our participation in the 6th annual DFF strategic meeting

In March we had the great pleasure to take part in the 6th annual strategic meeting of the Digital Freedom Fund in Berlin!

After three years of pandemic, it was finally an opportunity to get together again with a unique community of organisations fighting for the protection of Human Rights in the modern digital age of the information society, to share strategies, ideas and knowledge for future joint actions, to expand our circle of contacts and to develop important bonds of trust!

Homo Digitalis was represented by our President, Elpida Vamvaka.

We would like to thank the organizers for the invitation! You can learn more about the meeting here.


Joint Letter to the European Parliament on the AI Act

The European Parliament is preparing to vote on the proposed legislation on artificial intelligence #AIAct.

In a joint letter today, European Digital Rights and 75 other organisations, including Homo Digitalis, are sending a clear message to protect Human Rights and call on MEPs to pay due attention to the problematic provisions of the proposed text!

In order to do so, MEPs will have to vote:
-to strengthen the framework for the protection of Human Rights,
-on specific accountability and transparency obligations regarding the use of artificial intelligence systems,
-for a ban on the use of AI systems that pose unacceptable risks to the protection of everyone’s rights!

You can read the joint letter here.


Our Educational Talk at the University of Patras on Artificial Intelligence & Dark Patterns

Today, Stergios Konstantinou and Konstantinos Kakavoulis spoke at the CSI-COP project of the University of Patras on the processing of citizens’ data by AI and the influence of Dark Patterns on our online behaviour.

The event was attended by renowned data protection professionals, University professors, researchers and members of the Data Protection Authority.


Our participation in the summit "This Is What Police Tech Looks Like" of the JET Table of LSE in Belgrade

Last week, Homo Digitalis was in Belgrade to be present at the working groups held as part of the “This Is What Police Tech Looks Like” project, organised by the JET Table at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

It was a unique opportunity to meet with academics, activists and civil society organisations working in the fields of policing and border management, to exchange ideas and views, and to talk about our related activities! We would like to thank the organizers for their kind invitation!

Over the last four years, we and our partners have had open cases before the Data Protection Authority in these areas, involving:
1) the retention of electronic communications metadata that is contrary to the case law of the CJEU and the provisions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights (August 2019),
2) the procurement by the Hellenic Police of facial recognition technologies (March 2020),
3) the illegal retention of biometric passport data by the Hellenic Police in a central database (June 2020),
4) the violation of the provisions on the use of cameras by the EL.AS. in public places (May 2021),
5) the procurement of the intervention systems YPERION and KENTAYROS by the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum (February 2022); and
6) the procurement of social media platform monitoring software by the Coast Guard (February 2022).

We are honoured by the interest shown in our actions and we look forward to the immediate decisions of the DPAA on the above cases, which are of paramount importance for the protection of our Rights and Freedoms, as well as of the Republic.

You can learn more about the program here.

Homo Digitalis was represented at the meeting by our Board Secretary, Eleftherios Chelioudakis.


Our educational talk on AI & border management

Last month, we received an invitation from the Greek Council for Refugees and the European Network Against Racism Aisbl (ENAR) to speak at the European Parliament Office in Greece about Homo Digitalis’ actions in the field of migration and border management, as well as about the relevant provisions of the proposed EU regulation on AI!

It was a great pleasure to exchange ideas and views with representatives of CSOs, journalists, academics and other stakeholders who were present as well as to discuss the #ProtectNotSurveil campaign of European Digital Rights, Access Now, Platform for Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) and Refugee Law Lab, of which we are members!

We would like to thank the organizers for the great cooperation! Our Board Secretary, Eleftherios Chelioudakis, represented us, presenting our work at the event.

You can learn more about the #ProtectNotSurveil Campaign here.