The work of CAHAI was completed

After more than 18 months of active involvement in the work of the Council of Europe’s Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI), Homo Digitalis has completed its cycle of activities.

Our organisation had the great honour and pleasure to actively participate both in the plenary sessions of CAHAI and in specific working groups, such as the Policy Development Group and the Legal Frameworks Group, together with important civil society organisations.

Homo Digitalis’ representative at all CAHAI proceedings was co-founder and Board Secretary Eleftherios Chelioudakis.

You can see the composition of CAHAI here and find out more relevant information here.

The European Ombudsman opens an investigation following our complaint

In October 2021, Privacy International together with Homo Digitalis, The Border Violence Monitoring Network, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), and Sea-Watch submitted a complaint to the European Ombudsman, Ms Emily O’Reilly, calling on her to investigate programmes related to the provision of surveillance equipment and related expertise by the European Union to third countries.

These practices can lead to significant risks for vulnerable groups, such as human rights activists, in third states, and our action sought to investigate whether due diligence and necessary human rights impact assessments were carried out by EU organisations before they formulated these ‘cooperation’ programmes.

It is a great honour and pleasure that the European Ombudsman has decided to investigate our case and shed light on these practices. You can see the relevant communication here.

We recall that at the same time, we had also submitted an open letter to the European Data Protection Supervisor, Mr. Wojciech Wiewiórowski, informing him of our actions!

Homo Digitalis participates in Consultation on a new International Cybercrime Convention

Homo Digitalis has received an invitation to participate on 10 November in the online regional consultation organised by Chatham House and EU Cyber Direct Project on a new International Cybercrime Convention. The consultation is being held in light of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 74/247 and aims to inform the relevant law-making work that will begin in 2022.

Our member Anastasios Arabatzis will represent Homo Digitalis in the consultation.

Homo Digitalis on "Rights on FM" (Athens 9.84)

Homo Digitalis was a guest on the radio show of the Hellenic League for Human Rights on October 10, 2021.

The Hellenic League for Human Rights is the oldest human rights organization in our country, founded in 1953. Every Sunday at 20.00-21.00 it conducts the radio show “Rights on FM” on the air of the Athens 9.84 radio station.

On Sunday 10 October 2021, Konstantinos Kakavoulis and Dimitris Dosas spoke with Fotini Kokkinaki about the recent incident of the Facebook platform not operating, the rights of users on online platforms, as well as about whistleblowers.
We would like to thank the Hellenic League for Human Rights for hosting us.

Homo Digitalis in a MozFest working group

We were delighted to accept the invitation of the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) to be a member of the Trustworthy AI Working Group within the framework of the Mozilla Festival!

The group’s work will begin in October 2021! If Homo Digitalis received an invitation to participate, there is also an open application process to join the working group and any organisation interested in taking part can submit their application here.

Major award at WomenWeek2021

In the framework of the 20th #WomenWeek events that took place 30/7-8/8, the President of Homo Digitalis, Elpida Vamvaka was awarded for her contribution in the field of digital rights advocacy.
We would like to thank the Development Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Crete for this very honourable award.

Homo Digitalis' statements to about the Pegasus spyware

The Pegasus Project is a joint research project of 80 journalists from 17 countries by Amnesty International and Forbidden Stories.

The investigation has revealed that an Israeli company, NSO, may have intercepted over 50,000 phone numbers of journalists, politicians, activists, military and civilians from around the world over the last 5 years.

Konstantinos Kakavoulis, co-founder of Homo Digitalis, spoke to and journalist Danae Maragoudakis about the issue.

“The right to privacy is not a ‘right that is good to have’, but a right without which the individual cannot develop freely and modern democracies cannot function.”

Read more in the article published here.

Participation of Homo Digitalis at the EDEN Conference

On 18 and 19 October, the EDEN Conference of the Europol European Data Protection Experts Network (EDEN) is organised in Rome by Europol and the Academy of European Law (ERA).

The conference addresses issues related to the protection of personal data in the field of law enforcement action, and this year’s title is ‘Human after all: Data Protection in Policing’.

Homo Digitalis has the great honour and pleasure to participate in the panel “(Doin’ it right) Making sure good cops are hunting bad guys – not any other way around”. The panel is chaired by the Data Protection Officer and Head of Europol’s Data Protection Unit, Daniel Drewer, and features high-profile speakers, namely Professor Joe Cannataci (UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy), Dr. Nora Ni Loideain (Director of the Information Law & Policy Centre at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, School of Advanced Study) and Ms. Eline Chivot (Senior Adviser on Digital Policy at European People’s Party).

We will be represented at the conference by our co-founding member and Secretary of our Board, Lefteris Chelioudakis.

We would like to thank the organisers for their kind and honourable invitation to Homo Digitalis and in particular Mrs. Alkmini Giannis and Mr. Jan Ellermann.

You can see the conference programme here.

Homo Digitalis co-signs letter on the #PegasusProject scandal

Following the investigation by Forbiden Stories and Amnesty International and the major revelations about the #PegasusProject and the use of NSO’s services by governments and other clients for illegal spying purposes, over 170 organisations and experts, including Homo Digitalis, are today, 27 July 2021, co-signing a joint letter calling on states to suspend the purchase, transfer and use of surveillance technologies!

Read the text of the letter and learn more about the #PegasusProject here.