Successful Promo Event for ReclaimYourFace in Athens

The signature collection event for the #ReclaimYourFace Initiative, which took place on 4/6 in Athens, was a success.

The event was an excellent opportunity to inform the public about the significant challenges posed by the use of biometric surveillance technologies in public places and the risks to democracy and the protection of Human Rights.

After the event we met with Homo Digitalis members to celebrate four years of Homo Digitalis activities, and to organize future activities!

Homo Digitalis at the 41 Primary School of Heraklion

Today Elpida Vamvaka and Yannis Spanakis spoke to the children of the 41st Primary School of Heraklion about digital footprint and cyberbullying. The students discussed with great interest their concerns and the incidents they face in their everyday life. During the break we handed out free cookies so that we could all learn in a fun way what they represent and what to watch out for.

Many thanks to the management and the teachers for the warm welcome! They deserve a lot of congratulations for the education they give to the children of 41st Elementary covering issues that affect the whole society!


The co-founding member and Vice President of Homo Digitalis, Stefanos Vitoratos, will represent Homo Digitalis at the TRADEMARKS & PATENTS LAW FORUM – Strategies for the Digital Age conference, organized by CLEON Conferences & Communications on Friday, May 27, 2022 at the Divani Caravel Hotel.

The conference is under the auspices of Homo Digitalis together with ELONtech-European Law Observatory on New Technologies and ESIMET – Brand Owners Association Greece-Cyprus-Albania-Romania-Romania-North Macedonia.

Homo Digitalis at the EDRi General Assembly

The European Digital Rights General Assembly 2022, which took place in Berlin, was a success! There we met with the other EDRi members and communicated our goals for the coming year, planning the next steps to defend our rights in the digital world.

Homo Digitalis was represented by founding members Elpida Vamvaka and Lefteris Helioudakis, as well as our regular member Stergios Konstantinou.

We thank EDRi and its members in Germany Chaos Computer Club, Digitale Gesellschaft, Wikimedia Deutschland e. V., Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte e.V. for the excellent organization, hospitality and inspiration for the dynamic continuation of our work.

Privacy International's new study on competition and personal data published

Privacy International today published its new comprehensive study on the interplay between personal data and competition law. The study features statements from national competition commissions and civil society organisations, and explores the relationship of cooperation between these bodies and its importance for properly addressing the human rights challenges posed by the commercial practices of large technology companies.

It is a great pleasure for Homo Digitalis to have been selected by the Privacy International team to participate in the study with statements, and of course it is a great honour to be mentioned by the Hellenic Competition Commission for our actions and their contribution to promoting dialogue in this area.

You can read Privacy International’s study here.

We call on the European Parliament to support a ban on biometric surveillance technologies

Today, 53 civil society organisations, including Homo Digitalis, sent an open letter to the European Parliament calling on its members to support the ban on mass biometric surveillance technologies in the provisions of the proposed legislation on the use of AI.

The action is part of the Reclaim Your Face campaign and aims to raise awareness among MEPs of the risks to democracy and human rights posed by the use of these technologies, and to ask them for their practical support for a ban on their use in the EU legislative process.

You can read the open letter here.

Homo Digitalis at a conference at Panteion University

On Thursday 5 May, our member Alkmini Gianni will represent us at the conference on ‘Media and Democracy: Is there a problem?’ on Thursday 05 May at the Sakis Karagiorgas II Amphitheatre (New Panteion Building on the pedestrian street Al. Pantou – second floor).

The Speakers will analyse the relationship between Civil Society and misinformation and #fakenews on the internet! The CP will be represented by Homo Digitalis, Hellenic Hoaxes and VouliWatch.

The conference is organized in partnership with Panteion University and the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. No pre-registration is required for participation in the conference! We are waiting for you to discuss together about the challenges that arise!

The 5th episode of the #supercyberkids series is here

How many times have you connected to the WiFi of a café, a hotel or a free WiFI?

In the fifth video in our #supercyberkids series, we highlight the risk of leaking our personal data and passwords when we connect to third-party WiFi networks. We only connect to password-protected WiFi networks and double-check the name of the WiFi network before connecting!

The #supercyberkids episode series is produced by ICSI HELLAS S.A., (ISC)2 Hellenic Chapter, and Homo Digitalis

You can watch all episodes, completely free of charge, on our YouTube channel

Homo Digitalis participates in GIG-ARTS 2022

Homo Digitalis has the great honor and pleasure to be present at the prestigious GIG-ARTS conference taking place on April 13-14 in Cyprus.

Specifically, on Thursday, April 14, Homo Digitalis Vice President and co-founder Stefanos Vitoratos will speak on the impact of the pandemic on digital life together with Professor Despina Anagnostopoulou and the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection of Cyprus, Mrs. Irene Loizidou Nikolaidou.

On the same day, our regular member Alexandra Giannopoulou will present at the conference the study that she and our regular member Ioannis Krontiris have co-authored on digital identities and the challenges posed by the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) model.

You can see the conference programme here.

You can read more about digital identities and the decentralized digital identity model in a related article by Ioannis Krontiris for our website here.