We participated in the DFF's Berlin event on the use of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in our legal actions
Last week we participated in the workshop organised by DFF in Berlin focusing on the importance of using the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in our legal actions!
DFF launched the digiRISE project to raise awareness of the potential of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in defending and protecting digital rights.
The workshop was attended by Privacy International, Access Now, Share Foundation and many other civil society organisations.
Homo Digitalis was represented by Elpida Vamvaka, President of the Board of Homo Digitalis.
Many congratulations to the DFF team for the organization!
The opening of the 2 exhibitions we co-organize at JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa was a great success
Last Thursday, 16/11 we had the opening of the exhibition TheGlassRoom and its two editions, Misinformation and What The F*ture Wants, at the wonderful premises of JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa.
Many local TV channels were there to cover the event, including Thessalia Television, where Katerina Diminikou, Stefanos Vitoratos and Anastasios Arabatzis gave statements. Many thanks to the channel for the coverage of the inauguration and the interest in our actions!
It is a great honor for us and our partners from Open Lab Athens and Digital Detox Experience to bring to Greece and outside of Athens these unique exhibitions of high educational character of Tactical Tech and we would like to thank once again Joist Innovation Park for the unique hospitality.
Admission to the exhibitions is free and they will be available in Larissa for young and old until December 15. You can see highlights and statements from the interview here.
Opening of the exhibitions we co-organize at JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa
Today is the opening of The Glass Room Exhibition and its two editions, Misinformation and What The Future Wants, at JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa.
It is a great honor for all of us at Homo Digitalis, Open Lab Athens and Digital Detox Experience to be able to bring together for the first time in Greece both publications, curated by our dear partners at Tactical Tech!!
The “Misinformation” edition focuses on the concept of misinformation, the way it is formed and evolves. Similarly, “What the F*ture Wants” is an interactive youth-focused version of the exhibition, presenting different aspects of technology, seen from a personal, political and global perspective.
Admission is of course free and we are looking forward to young and old from today until 16 December to enjoy these two unique versions of TheGlassRoom exhibition!
Homo Digitalis was represented at the opening by Stefanos Vitoratos and Anastasios Arampatzis!!! We would like to thank our partners at Tactical Tech, Joist Innovation Park, Open Lab Athens and Digital Detox Experience for this unique collaboration!
The Greek DPA discussed in a Plenary Session our Case on Electronic Communications Metadata Retention
Yesterday, Tuesday 14/11, we were present at the Plenary Session of the Greek DPA during which our case concerning the retention of electronic communications metadata and the right of access to them was discussed. Our Secretary, Eleftherios Chelioudakis, who is the Data Subject in this case, participated there.
In simple terms, metadata allows us to establish who spoke to whom, via which devices, when, for how long, and where the users were approximately located during their conversation. Therefore, metadata is not about the content of the communication but about all the other accompanying elements of the communication. All electronic communications providers in Greece are required to keep it for one year from the date of the communication.
The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled in 2014 that the retention of this amount of metadata for everyone, everywhere and always, constitutes a mass surveillance measure that allows for particularly accurate conclusions to be drawn with regard to the privacy of the persons whose data has been retained, and violates the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, ruling Directive 2006/24, which allowed for this, as invalid.
However, the Greek State has not revised until today, almost 10 years later, the Law 3917/2011 that transposes this Directive into the Greek legal landscape, while as Homo Digitalis revealed in 2019 the relevant legislative committee that was asked to prepare a new draft law, an explanatory memorandum and an impact assessment on this matter ever delivered any work in the 5 years of its existence (2014-2019).
We look forward with great interest to the next stages of the process and have full confidence in the work of the Greek DPA.
We met with the Ministry of Digital Governance for the DSA and the AI Act
Today, Lambrini Gyftokosta and Konstantinos Kakavoulis represented Homo Digitalis in a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Digital Governance.
The topic of discussion was the progress of the implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA) in Greece, as well as the developments at EU level regarding the regulation of AI.
We would like to thank the representatives of the Ministry for the very fruitful dialogue! We continue to follow the developments and actively participate in their co-shaping.
Homo Digitalis co-hosts The Athens Roundtable on AI and the Rule of Law in Washington DC
The time has come for this year’s (5th!) “The Athens Roundtable on AI and the Rule of Law” and Homo Digitalis is pleased to announce that it will be among the Co-Hosts
-When? Thursday 30 November and Friday 1 December.
→ Online via Zoom Events and with a physical presence at the Jack Morton Auditorium, Washington DC, USA
Register now to attend for free here.
The 5th The Athens Roundtable on AI & the Rule of Law will focus on the emerging challenges posed by generative AI & foundational models, while opening up the discussion on international collaboration, measurement and evaluation, regulatory compliance and law enforcement. In 2023, a seismic shift in the AI landscape was triggered. The rise of generative AI & foundational models brought into focus the need for a serious discussion around the development, implementation and governance of AI.
Tune in for a timely discussion with excellent speakers from around the world!
Speech by Homo Digitalis at the Karavanas School in Larissa
We live in a networked world. Children search for information, communicate and play using online platforms. The internet is a place of opportunities and challenges. Every day we read about a new digital scam or incidents of digital bullying. How can we empower parents and children to feel safer in the virtual world of the internet? What are the dangers of the internet and how can we tackle them?
Karavanas School invites parents and children to an interactive and topical information session on Saturday 4 November 2023, at 6 pm at the school premises.
➡ Speakers will be.
– Panagiotis Soulos Global Information Security Manager at Intrum and member of the non-profit organization of IT professionals ISC2 Hellenic Chapter, and
– Anastasios Arampatzis cybersecurity consultant and columnist and member of Homo Digitalis.
Homo Digitalis participates in LSE meeting in Ljubljana
On Friday 20 October, Homo Digitalis was invited by the JET Table of The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) to an important workshop that took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia!
There we presented our actions against the use of intrusive new AI technologies in the field of policing and border management in Greece over the last 5 years, and informed the civil society organisations attending about the important tools provided by data protection legislation in this regard.
The audience showed their keen interest and admiration for what we have achieved completely voluntarily in the past, but also did not hide their concern about the long delays in decision-making by the Hellenic Data Protection Authority.
Homo Digitalis was represented at the workshop by our Board Secretary, Eleftherios Chelioudakis.